Do you familiar with manga comic/ film or anime?. Manga or anime drawing is an art of drawing character but not personal you know. In this drawing, you will create a character you may like or a perfect character based on your mind. in this application, I will share you so many ideas for you to learn to how to draw manga for your own manga character, start from its eyes, hair, body, clothes, etc. I hope you enjoy and happy.The first step is drawing manga eyes. Eyes should be able to show the character personal, and emotion. The only key to this step is to get the general shape of the eye. The shape of the eyes are a lot about the type of character you're trying to create. More mature or more masculine characters usually have narrow eyes, that is composed with horizontal lines. For feminine and younger characters you should give rounder, larger eyes. These parts are composed with ovular iris shapes and large, arched eye line shapes.
Learning to draw manga is easier and less daunting if you compared to learning traditional portrait sketching or the conventional oil painting. In just a matter of weeks, people who think they can only draw stick figures, can learn to create manga characters. The important point here is to have fun while learning. In manga drawing, you can use your imagination freely in creating the manga situation or character.
The next step is drawing the face of the character. There are so many ways to draw the face, but most of them start with a round circle and a cross in the circle to be the guidance before drawing the face. The circle uses as features are sharp precise and symmetrical in nature.This guide would avoid asymmetrical lines. The front view of the face may be easier. You should only concentrate on is the side profile and 3/4 view which takes a lot of practice.
Keep trying is the key, a learning process will give you the best result based on your effort, don't it?